Bliss Glitch


Installation at Kunst Haus Mitte, Berlin 2021, part of “Beyond Belief”


Drawing form my sustained exploration of cultures around the globe and shaped by both the popular realm and intimate lived experiences, my work essentially is a constellation of reflections on situational conditions and most often takes on the form of poetic commentary.

On new Spirituality —— there is a certain superfluidity about the term, it seems to suggest an aggregation of a multitude of practices and quickly raises the question of specificity ——assuming that spirituality derives from something mystical, devine —— but what is divinity in a world of dissolving distinction? When I asked a Chinese friend to translate spirituality to Mandarin, she struggled to find a precise expression, as spirituality in its essence encompasses an entire universe of cultural practices in this culture.

The German medieval theologian Nicholas of Cusa (1401-64) developed a limited perspective of the theory of the Devine focused on icons of the time. The divine sight that looks out from an icon has no vanishing point: its intended as a limited perspective for mortals —— could this be paralleled with popular media of today propagating new forms of spirituality, easily glitching into a trend toward ornamentations blossoming around fragmented understandings, around the fantastic, or around a vacuum ?

BlissGlitch (Seeligkeits-Ausrutscher) makes no claim to give answers nor to be Icon, but is rather an expression of fear about allowing something as profound and fundamental to human culture as the divine to glide into confusion, superficiality, and ultimately into insignificance and emptiness. The installation’s form and content however is intended to balance a certain sarcasm with a dose of Humor.

It is my belief, that ART in all its forms may be the best if not the only means to explore the deepest and most perplexing questions of human kind.

Jacqueline Heer


29 Tears